How to be at your Best when Playing Arms Warrior? If you are tired of loosing in Arena and Your Healer partner is cursing you, You are at right place. Here we will learn about the art of dominating the opponents in Arena. If you are a beginner in arena, or beginning PvP for the first time, or have enough experience playing BG's and want to learn to play better at Arena, well its your lucky day. The post is not about macro guides or addon features. So you might wanna hang around a little.
So how to perfect your game in Arena so that your partner doesn't curse you.
This time we will discussing the Arms warrior Class. This class is one of my favourite when it comes to PvP.
So Lets Start.
Question: Do an Arms warrior need macros to be good at Arena?
The Answer is Yes and No.
Yes : Because Macros can give your fellow players many advantages. Yes you read it right !!! Macros can help your healers out. How? We get to it later.
No: Well warriors don't need much of a Macros with good co-ordinations and good skills , your macro needs should be minimum.
So lets go straight to the point.
Question: What macros do a Arms Warrior need?
Ans : Macro to Switch Stance with weapon change. That's it.
You will be surprised, warrior need only one macro that switches stance and equips right weapon. So when you switch stance and go defensive, he has a sword and a shield in his hands, and when he switches back to Arms or Berserker he has his Fav. 2H weapon. I won't talk how to do this. You can Google to get such macros.
Question: What about helping your partner? How I do that?
Ans : The best way to help your healer is to tell him. So talk to him directly. This simplifies lots of thing. You don't have to type in chat. Just tell him on Skype that your a** is being burned down and you need help. That will always help you. So get a VOIP software like Skype. If you don't have the luxury of talking then you will have to do some modifications to your spells. The best idea is to attach notifications to your spells. So when you cast Bladestorm , your partner gets a message on his chat like "---BladeStorm Launched----".
This is easy to do in Macro (/p ---BladeStorm----- /cast Bladestorm). What this will do that even if your healer doesnt see you go in bladestorm , he can check his chat and look at this. Similarly if you used trinket , just let him know that you have used your trinket.
Question : What Addons do an Arms Warrior need?
Ans: The addon need should be minimum. I figured that any addon that can tell you that your opponent is going to cast a spell ( spell alerter) is enough. You don't need to fill your screen with tons of addons.
Question: What is the Good for PvP? 2H mace, Axe, Polearm or Sword?
Ans: It hardly matters. If you have a good weapon and right specialization. All weapon tend to end up same. But yeah an Arms warrior running with a Huge Axe sure looks scary ;)
Guide :
Get the right Equipment
Well before you start to PvP in World of warcraft it is important to understand the hardware you are using. To emphasize this point I will tell you a very funny story that happened once when I was in arena. To start with, me and my druid healer Inxy (stupid name) were having a go at Warlock- Priest 2300 (may be 2400) rating Team. We almost crushed the opponent and then the bizarre thing happened. My Mouse wheel wasn't rotating. It was funny cause I told my healer "Hey bro my mouse wheel just died ". He was like "Ok, Fix it after the match. LOL". But he didn't knew that my wheel had Overpower and Execute Mapped to it. Yeah We Lost.
So the Next day I had one of these SteelSeries Rival Optical Gaming Mouse
. This mouse had perfect features, enough buttons (not too many) and was made for heavy usage.
On a funny note try using your stock mouse on Diablo 2 for one month (most mouse die out). Most mouse aren't designed for heavy usage. I will be true to you guys, I never liked mouse with so many buttons. My friends has one with 9 buttons (seriously bizarre considering we use only 2 fingers for mouse . Ok on with the topic.
Staying positive:
You know why most newbie get pawned at arena , cause they get scared very easily. One thing to remember is that you can't win all the time. even the most elite players get owned, so its not a big deal. I always laugh with my healer how his a** got pawned while I was bandaging myself. Once player get scared they start to do silly things like using random attacks or using cooldowns at wrong times etc. Which is definitely not good, so keeping it calm can get you best results. People with good ratings like 2400+ are already confidant enough and very calm. That makes things worse for people who watch them come (and loose it all). So First thing is Stay Positive.
Know your Enemy :
This is the thing elite players are good at. They know their opponent class very well. They know what will happen when the class goes below 20% health, or what will they do if I stunned them at 50% (stuff like that). The best thing is practice. Practice PvP with your fellow players . Know other classes, what kind of spell they have, how often they can be used, what are their OMG powers. If you can pummel a shaman's heal right at 10% you know that he is dead.
Learn to intimidate enemies:
Warrior with their burst dps can bring OMG, WTF or MAY DAYY like situations to opponents, which forces them to use their Cool Downs. Like Paladin's bubble. Its always a good sign. So don't just go berserk on opponent with bursting all your cool downs , just intimidate them enough to force them use their cooldowns. So you can catch them off guard with your rage at 100 with bladestorm at your bag and their healer running with 40% health (Oooo.... yummy).
Learn to use your Cool Downs :
Now this is very important. Learn to use your Cooldowns , don't just go pushing your cooldowns when you know that your opponent can't be killed. Don't save your cool downs if your are going to die. Learn to couple your attacks with right timings. So when I use Bladestorm, I check if the class is going to say OMG when I hit Bladestorm. Learn to predict your attacks damage, that way it will be very easy to check when to use BladeStorm. Always couple Bladestorm with sweeping Strikes. I know it takes 60 rage to do that but thats what puts hole in a paladins armour. Tell your healer to bring opponents dps to the warrior when he uses Bladestorm, so both can get damage. and this Strategy works like a charm. Both healer and dps get pwned by Bladestorm. Learn to use intervene , so you can get out of scary situations back to healer. Learn to LOS. If you are good at hiding so that others can't target you, you win half the battle.
Adjust your keyboard keys so that you don't need to click on Action bar
Yeah its true. Clicking wastes time. But if you like clicking and if it doesn't harm your game, you are free to do that. But just think, keys like :
these keys should be enough for most of the spells. Combine these with Mouse wheel up and Mouse wheel Down and you have a good non clicking action bar. I use Mouse wheel up and Mouse wheel down for most frequent attacks like Overpower and Execute.
Always stick to one type of keyboard setting, this will increase your reflexes, so you don't have to think what key to press to Execute an opponent, or what key to press to go to defensive stance. with practice your brain will easily adept to the setting and then you can just go without looking at action bar.
So how to perfect your game in Arena so that your partner doesn't curse you.
This time we will discussing the Arms warrior Class. This class is one of my favourite when it comes to PvP.
So Lets Start.
Question: Do an Arms warrior need macros to be good at Arena?
The Answer is Yes and No.
Yes : Because Macros can give your fellow players many advantages. Yes you read it right !!! Macros can help your healers out. How? We get to it later.
No: Well warriors don't need much of a Macros with good co-ordinations and good skills , your macro needs should be minimum.
So lets go straight to the point.
Question: What macros do a Arms Warrior need?
Ans : Macro to Switch Stance with weapon change. That's it.
You will be surprised, warrior need only one macro that switches stance and equips right weapon. So when you switch stance and go defensive, he has a sword and a shield in his hands, and when he switches back to Arms or Berserker he has his Fav. 2H weapon. I won't talk how to do this. You can Google to get such macros.
Question: What about helping your partner? How I do that?
Ans : The best way to help your healer is to tell him. So talk to him directly. This simplifies lots of thing. You don't have to type in chat. Just tell him on Skype that your a** is being burned down and you need help. That will always help you. So get a VOIP software like Skype. If you don't have the luxury of talking then you will have to do some modifications to your spells. The best idea is to attach notifications to your spells. So when you cast Bladestorm , your partner gets a message on his chat like "---BladeStorm Launched----".
This is easy to do in Macro (/p ---BladeStorm----- /cast Bladestorm). What this will do that even if your healer doesnt see you go in bladestorm , he can check his chat and look at this. Similarly if you used trinket , just let him know that you have used your trinket.
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Best Arms Warrior |
Question : What Addons do an Arms Warrior need?
Ans: The addon need should be minimum. I figured that any addon that can tell you that your opponent is going to cast a spell ( spell alerter) is enough. You don't need to fill your screen with tons of addons.
Question: What is the Good for PvP? 2H mace, Axe, Polearm or Sword?
Ans: It hardly matters. If you have a good weapon and right specialization. All weapon tend to end up same. But yeah an Arms warrior running with a Huge Axe sure looks scary ;)
Guide :
Get the right Equipment
Well before you start to PvP in World of warcraft it is important to understand the hardware you are using. To emphasize this point I will tell you a very funny story that happened once when I was in arena. To start with, me and my druid healer Inxy (stupid name) were having a go at Warlock- Priest 2300 (may be 2400) rating Team. We almost crushed the opponent and then the bizarre thing happened. My Mouse wheel wasn't rotating. It was funny cause I told my healer "Hey bro my mouse wheel just died ". He was like "Ok, Fix it after the match. LOL". But he didn't knew that my wheel had Overpower and Execute Mapped to it. Yeah We Lost.
So the Next day I had one of these SteelSeries Rival Optical Gaming Mouse
On a funny note try using your stock mouse on Diablo 2 for one month (most mouse die out). Most mouse aren't designed for heavy usage. I will be true to you guys, I never liked mouse with so many buttons. My friends has one with 9 buttons (seriously bizarre considering we use only 2 fingers for mouse . Ok on with the topic.
Staying positive:
You know why most newbie get pawned at arena , cause they get scared very easily. One thing to remember is that you can't win all the time. even the most elite players get owned, so its not a big deal. I always laugh with my healer how his a** got pawned while I was bandaging myself. Once player get scared they start to do silly things like using random attacks or using cooldowns at wrong times etc. Which is definitely not good, so keeping it calm can get you best results. People with good ratings like 2400+ are already confidant enough and very calm. That makes things worse for people who watch them come (and loose it all). So First thing is Stay Positive.
Know your Enemy :
This is the thing elite players are good at. They know their opponent class very well. They know what will happen when the class goes below 20% health, or what will they do if I stunned them at 50% (stuff like that). The best thing is practice. Practice PvP with your fellow players . Know other classes, what kind of spell they have, how often they can be used, what are their OMG powers. If you can pummel a shaman's heal right at 10% you know that he is dead.
Learn to intimidate enemies:
Warrior with their burst dps can bring OMG, WTF or MAY DAYY like situations to opponents, which forces them to use their Cool Downs. Like Paladin's bubble. Its always a good sign. So don't just go berserk on opponent with bursting all your cool downs , just intimidate them enough to force them use their cooldowns. So you can catch them off guard with your rage at 100 with bladestorm at your bag and their healer running with 40% health (Oooo.... yummy).
Learn to use your Cool Downs :
Now this is very important. Learn to use your Cooldowns , don't just go pushing your cooldowns when you know that your opponent can't be killed. Don't save your cool downs if your are going to die. Learn to couple your attacks with right timings. So when I use Bladestorm, I check if the class is going to say OMG when I hit Bladestorm. Learn to predict your attacks damage, that way it will be very easy to check when to use BladeStorm. Always couple Bladestorm with sweeping Strikes. I know it takes 60 rage to do that but thats what puts hole in a paladins armour. Tell your healer to bring opponents dps to the warrior when he uses Bladestorm, so both can get damage. and this Strategy works like a charm. Both healer and dps get pwned by Bladestorm. Learn to use intervene , so you can get out of scary situations back to healer. Learn to LOS. If you are good at hiding so that others can't target you, you win half the battle.
Adjust your keyboard keys so that you don't need to click on Action bar
Yeah its true. Clicking wastes time. But if you like clicking and if it doesn't harm your game, you are free to do that. But just think, keys like :
these keys should be enough for most of the spells. Combine these with Mouse wheel up and Mouse wheel Down and you have a good non clicking action bar. I use Mouse wheel up and Mouse wheel down for most frequent attacks like Overpower and Execute.
Always stick to one type of keyboard setting, this will increase your reflexes, so you don't have to think what key to press to Execute an opponent, or what key to press to go to defensive stance. with practice your brain will easily adept to the setting and then you can just go without looking at action bar.
Really inspiring. thanx alot
ReplyDeleteThis was helpful. Thanks alot
ReplyDeleteplease suggest some macroes